Monday, August 9, 2021

Sea Lions and Myrtle

 Hey guys,

So this week as a staff we took a trip to the New England Aquarium and I finally got to meet Myrtle the Turtle who is decades older than me, nearly 100 years old! Maybe he can give me some life advice. Then I got to see some sea pupper's or sea lions who were absolutely the best. Did you know that pups can weigh up to 20 pounds and then once they're adults they can weigh 800 pounds, that’s as much as touring motorcycles. 

My team this week got to explore the Charles river, both sides. Obviously I prefer the Boston side since we have the esplanade, parks, and tiny islands to explore compared to the Cambridge side which only has pathways. I always enjoy both views from both sides realizing how big it actually is up close. The river runs for 80 miles through 23 cities, and is 25 feet deep. I am only 5’9”. 

To finish my week, I was lucky to spend some time at Jeffrey's Point in  East Boston with the Harbor Explores camp. The one thing I love most about my summers is getting to bring some new found joy in kids faces when they first catch a crab but nothing compares to when they catch a full on fish. Within a few minutes our first catch of the day was a Skate, you can imagine them as smaller versions of StingRays since they derive from the same family. 

It seems each week is better than the last! 

Until next time, 

Jay Gomez  

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