Monday, August 16, 2021

Week 6 : the summer is coming to an end

 For this week we were placed at castle island for the first day it was very hot but we were able to go on a fishing derby and  it was very fun. We all went on to different boats and competed with each other to see which group would get the biggest fish of the day. My group had a lot of fun we were blessed to have Dee as our DJ we had a whole dance party and at first we weren’t catching any fish we would just catch these tiny baby ones it took awhile for us to start catching some big ones which happened towards the end which was kind of a bummer because by the time we started talking I get the hang of it we had to leave then when we got back we waited for everyone to get back then we ate a good lunch. When everyone was back we compared our fish to other ones and in the photo below u can see everyone that won with their fish in their hand. 

The next day it was so hot that we basically were able to find somewhere to cool-down and sit at to work on our deliverables and what we were going to do for that week and we were all able to make our own fun out of that day later on that day all of the save the harbor staff went on a boat for the evening and we were all able to meet new people from different organizations and speak with them to see what they do at their jobs. We then did a scavenger hunt we’re we were able to visit the different groups tables and everything then when you we’re done you got to choose from three different bags that either had sunscreen sun glasses or a water bottle and I chose the water bottle. Then we ate pizza and rode around the harbor until 7 then went home. The next few days we were virtual because of the humidity outside but I was able to volunteer at Reverend beach for the touch tank at Kelly’s then on Sunday I was at fort point channel for the un dia de kayak event where families were able to go all around Boston and go kayaking and see green crabs and go on a ferry to the ICA in East Boston. Overall the week was very fun and excitingly active for me

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