Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Meet Elizabeth! Save the Harbor's Senior Staff Assistant

Hi everyone,

My name is Elizabeth McLaughlin and I'm the new Senior Staff Assistant at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay! I've been here for about a month now, and it's been going swimmingly.

I graduated from Boston University last spring, where I studied journalism and political science. I've lived in Massachusetts my whole life, and Boston has been home for 4.5 years now. Some of my favorite things to do are to go for walks on Castle Island and along the Esplanade, and to check out local farmers markets in the summer. I'm excited to say the Boston Harbor, which was once an exciting field trip destination when I was growing up in Western Massachusetts, is now my office!
I'm extremely passionate about the environmental movement, so of course I'm thrilled to contribute to our efforts to conserve and protect our region's beautiful waterfront spaces and marine environment. What drew me in most thoughand what makes me proudest of working for Save the Harboris the organization's work to make these public spaces accessible and inclusive. I believe one of the most important goals of the movement besides identifying how to protect the environment, should be focusing on who we are protecting natural spaces for: everyone! I'm particularly enthusiastic to be starting during the first year of Participatory Budgeting for our Better Beaches program, which will give the local community and creatives the power to decide what free events they'd like to see on the region's beaches this summer. 
I've started at an especially fun time: Shamrock Splash Season! I'm looking forward to diving into the work (and the freezing cold ocean!) to raise money for a good cause and hope to see you there on March 6th as well.

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