Thursday, May 26, 2022

In Loving Memory of Trevor Etheridge

Our team at Save the Harbor/Save the Bay is deeply saddened by the news that our friend and long-time Development Manager, Trevor Etheridge, has passed after a long and courageous battle with brain cancer.

Trevor joined our team in 2016 as an Environmental Policy and Communications Intern after studying marine biology at Boston University. It was clear from the beginning that Trevor would be an essential part of Save the Harbor’s work and that his employment would be long-term. His position quickly evolved from intern to full-time staff member within his first year when he became our Grant Writer and eventually Development Manager.

During his time in the development position, Trevor secured countless grants to support our work and invest in youth education, environmental policy improvements, free beach events, and a clean, accessible Boston Harbor.

Trevor went above and beyond. He not only brought in pivotal grants but also raised thousands of dollars every year at the Harpoon Shamrock Splash. Trevor was always at the top of the fundraising leaderboard and ran fearlessly into the harbor in different costumes each year, bringing his friends and family into the fun. Trevor’s fundraising showed two important things about him: he cared greatly about the harbor, his community and his work, and that he was so beloved by his family and friends that he had plenty of people willing and ready to support him when he asked.

Save The Harbor is a small but mighty team. With less than 8 full-time staff at any given time, our team frequently feels less like a traditional workplace and more like a caring community of family members. We are each other's siblings, arguing over which drag queen's look was best, which comic book universe was coolest, or which horror movie is scariest. 

Trevor was witty, kind, talented, and spirited and we miss him deeply.

His legacy with Save the Harbor goes far beyond the grants he wrote, the partners he brought in, and the costumes he wore. He will be remembered for all the things that he loved, the people he loved, and all the love we have for him that still remains. 

Our hearts are with his husband, Matt, his mother, his sisters, and the many people who join us in celebrating the life of a beautiful person. Please take a moment to read his obituary here, and consider donating to the Trevor Project. You can also view Trevor's first blog post from when he started as an intern in 2016 here.

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