Friday, June 17, 2022

Metropolitan Beaches Commission Virtual Summit

On Saturday morning, June 18th, from 10 AM-12 PM, the Metropolitan Beaches Commission and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay will hold a Virtual Summit on Zoom on improving beach access for people of color, people with disabilities, and people who do not speak English as their first language.

At that time, the Commission will share our preliminary findings from the three hearings we conducted (on May 6th, 2021, November 20th, 2021, and February 9th, 2022) focused on diversity, equity, inclusion and access on the metropolitan region’s public beaches.


All are welcome to attend and participate.


You can access recordings and transcripts of the three hearings here:


You can register for the Virtual Summit here:


The Metropolitan Beaches Commission is a permanent Legislative Commission charged with making findings and recommendations to the Legislature, the Baker/Polito Administration, the Department of Conservation & Recreation and the public on ways to improve the metropolitan region's public beaches in Lynn, Nahant, Revere, Winthrop, East Boston, South Boston, Dorchester, Quincy and Hull. It was established by the Massachusetts Legislature in 2006 and is coordinated and managed by Save the Harbor/Save the Bay.

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