Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Another summer :)

 Hiiiii I’m so glad to be back at Save the Harbor Save the Bay. This is my third year of being at Save the Harbor. A little bit about me is that I love to play sports. I play volleyball, basketball, and softball. I'm going into my senior year of high school. I'm a positive person and I love being around other people. I'm a pretty clumsy person and am always getting injured somehow. I love learning new things and I try to keep an open mind, but I’m so glad to be back.

My favorite memories from past summers are when last summer my old group and I dig a deep hole where we fit all six of us and decorate it which was really fun. Another memory from lasted summer was when we found a cart in East Boston and dragged it around with us all day we put our bags on the bottom and I was sitting on the top part for most of our trip. We ended up seeing someone walk their cat which was pretty cool. My favorite memory from two summers ago was my first time joining Save the Harbor where we forgot we had set up a crab trap and we went in to find it but we couldn’t because it was high tide but it was fun looking for it. We were cracking jokes. This is my first time being a part of Camp Harbor View and helping kids fish which is pretty fun and exciting to be there. I can't wait for more blogs to come! 

See u next time on the water-


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