Monday, July 11, 2022

Exciting Year Three


 Hi guys, my name is Keiana and this will be my third year at Save The Harbor Save The Bay. I am going to be an upcoming senior at Cathedral High School in the South End and live in Boston. Overall, I feel Boston is a great city to grow up and live in. Things I do that interest me are traveling, listening to music, and sports such as track and volleyball. I recently went to nationals for track in NYC where I got the opportunity to race against people from all over America and different islands such as Hawaii. I love the thought of traveling the world. I feel like it would allow me to be able to feel happy and free. The artists I like to listen to are Tyler The Creator, Lil Baby, and my girl Teyana Taylor.

      I am excited to work at Save The Harbor this year because I believe it will help me in the future. I want to pursue a job as a marine biologist because it deals with the ocean's environment and the species within. I know that it is good to take on jobs that will help me get experience in the job field that I am hoping to achieve. Luckily, Save the Harbor Save the Bay gives me that experience hands-on. Also to new beginnings and meeting many new people and faces.

See you later,


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