Tuesday, July 12, 2022

First Year With Save the Harbor

Hello, my name is Sadye Cheever. I'm an incoming senior at Boston Latin Academy and live in Roslindale, MA. My biggest passion is sports, name any sport and I've most likely tried it, either just pick up or an official league, but no golf. Sports help me release the stress in my life and help me stay focused in the school year. They are also the places I've been able to create fabulous bounds with my teammates. 

*me playing goalie on my school team*

Save the Harbor Save the Bay is a new organization to me. I heard about them through successlink and am very excited for the upcoming summer. I've been interested in the environment and how it is changing, I am also taking AP Environmental Science in the fall. I believe it is great to keep the younger generation aware of the place you live in and that keeping the kids informed and interactive in the space is one big step towards creating a better earth. 

*the first moon jelly my group scooped up, we determined it is male since it looks pink (females look browner)*

A brief recap of my group's (Piers Park) week includes lots of finds. Our crab trap captured many crabs, we were able to scoop up a few moon jelly fish, many crabs were gotten via fishing rods, and also two scates were pulled up via fishing rods (one that stayed in the water and another that was put into a larger bucket for a few minutes). All very fun finds and ways to show the kids what is in the harbor around them. You'll hear from me soon!


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