Tuesday, July 19, 2022

History Of The Harbor


The history of the harbor goes back over 50 years to how the harbor was known from being one of the dirtiest harbors in America to becoming one of the cleanest harbors. Having some harbors that were for battle in the civil war is really interesting because it was only there just in case some of the enemies would pass by the area but the weapons on the island were never in use. The history of being a part of the civil war and being one of the dirtiest harbors in America is fascinating to me because things can dramatically change over time. Also, the harbor has many different histories in place for different islands which is what makes the Boston harbor unique.

Since 2000 we send programs to the harbor and teach more people about the great history of this harbor and how it came to be. We are taking young youth programs to learn different things such as the history of the different harbors and we are teaching them how to catch fish. Youth programs and different camps learn and have fun with us at the different harbor islands. We have to put our full effort so we can make them come again and potentially tell other people about it so even more people can be interested in learning different things about the islands. It is up to us to that make this fun for everyone including people that aren't part of the camps that join us.

Especially for me not knowing that much about the island and sea creatures in the harbor I learn about different species we catch from fishing or trapping crabs. For instance, when we fish on the dock in spectacle most of the things we catch are green crabs because there are more green crabs in that area than any other species. Learning from the first couple of weeks that people actually needed a shot to go to the harbor islands amazed me. That was how dirty the harbor was for many years it was just a place where people dumped their trash in. It was up to the people in Boston to hold the city accountable for the mess there for over 50 years. The people of this city sued Boston to clean up that mess and that mess turned into an amazing island that is now one of the safest and cleanest harbors in America today.

See ya at the harbor

From Simon

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