Sunday, July 31, 2022

Oh my COD, it’s already August!

Hey everyone, long time no sea! Summer is flying by, and I am having a great time at Piers Park Sailing Center with my incredible team! Every day we play games, fish, engage with the touch tank, and create some fun and educational activities for the kids to learn more about the harbor. I have made some amazing friends in just the first half of the summer, just like I knew I would! Being with my team at this site has been so fun, we have been able to bond over playing games, talking, and making Tiktoks in our free time!
Every morning we start our day with games of “Fishy Fishy Cross My Ocean” and “Everyone’s It,” along with tug-of-war, catch, and jump rope. Spending this time with the kids is a highlight of my summer; they are always so excited to catch some of the counselors in a big game of tag! Just last week was Shark Week at Piers Park (and worldwide!). We made a Shark Jeopardy and the kids had so much fun! They guessed the answer to questions about sharks and their habitat, lifestyle, and physical attributes. I was surprised at how much they all knew about sharks! They also had a shark egg hunt and field day to wrap up this special week! Throughtout the summer so far, the kids have not only proven to be knowledgeable about sharks, but also of the harbor and other harbor species too! Every day they are just as eager to tell me the gender and type of crabs we catch!
While only one month in and we endured our first heatwave of the summer! It hit 100 degrees on was SO hot! What better way to spend this hot summer than fishing? Each and every day we catch an abundance of crabs, including Green crabs, Jonah crabs, Rock crabs, and Spider Crabs---this definietly makes the heat more bearable! While normally caught in the crab trap, we have been catching a lot of them on our fishing rods! We have also caught and explored other species, including cunner fish, muscles, and skate. Nathan, our star-fisher, caught 6 crabs this week, all on his own!
While saying bye to some of my coworkers this week was bittersweet, I am excited to make some new friends during this new month! See you all on the harbor! Aleena :)

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