Sunday, July 31, 2022

The CHV Experience!


Every two weeks at Camp Harbor View the camp has a new set of kids. You teach them how to fish, get to know them, and then you get a new group for two more weeks. When we're not fishing we are playing card games like Uno and spoons. The experience has been more than I expected. We get provided lunch and breakfast everyday that is way better than anything school provides. 

One of the best days at camp has to be the hustle. The hustle happens on the last day of camp when all the lighthouses compete against each other in a race to see who the best lighthouse of the session. Even though there is no fishing involved we still cheer on the sidelines supporting all the lighthouses. We get face paint and necklaces of all the colors. The campers start by raising a sail on their sailboat when done they run down the dock. Then they bike, paddle board, run more, and more. Another one of the best days is the first day of camp. During the first day, we go up to the KIP Building to do introductions with the new campers. We first do an icebreaker outside and then go inside to do an activity. Kids also choose their clubs on this day so it is a good time to influence joining fishing club. 

See you next week!-Seoule

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