Sunday, July 31, 2022

Time at Camp Harbor View

This week was a quiet week for catching. On Monday with our first group we had tons of spider crabs in our crab trap and found a pregnant spider crab which was really cool. We had two of them. After the first group left we started to fish and Rick got his line stuck on a rope which we were able to pull up. In our second group, we showed them the pregnant spider crab which the kids thought was cool. During the fishing club, we did a crab race which the kids loved. The next day Tuesday we did crab races with the other groups.

On Wednesday we were at the great hall making ice cream and talking to the kids about how they liked their summer. On Thursday we helped out with the hustle and got to paddle board and it was really fun most of us fell in the water besides Jaelynne and Seoule but it was really fun spending my last day spending time with the group and the kids. I really enjoyed spending my time at Camp Harbor View. It was fun talking to the kids and meeting the staff and enjoying their fun music. Especially the clean up song. I just had fun singing along every day. I liked learning new things about crabs more than anything and learning about skates which I’d never seen or touched before. I enjoyed learning new things and got to be more experienced with relining a fishing rod. I hope I get to go back next summer to the camp but overall I really enjoyed my time there.

See u next time on the water- Ari :)


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