Sunday, July 17, 2022

Seoule's Harbor history


During these past two weeks at CHV we have been only catching crabs because of construction happening right by the dock we fish at. Surprisingly this week on Tuesday we got lucky and on of the campers caught a skate. Our victory was short-lived because we had to throw it back into the water but this was an accomplishment for everyone. Also on Thursday, we caught our first fish in the crab trap! This fish was a flounder, a flatfish species. Besides our fish catching on Thursday we also made ice cream with the campers using ice, salt, the ice cream ingredients, and plastic bags. Friday we celebrated the last day or the first two weeks of camp by cheering on their lighthouse races.

 Looking off the dock of Long Island you can see the Deer Island Sewage Treatment. This swage treatment opened in 1968 and is located in the northern area of the Boston Harbor. Even though Deer Island is no longer an island because of a bridge created by the great hurricane of 1938's erosion it still has its island name. Deer Island has a long history starting with being an internment camp for Native American prisoners during King Phillips War during 1675-1676 in fear of retaliation against the crown. Many years later the Irish used the island to escape the potato famine, bringing many diseases in the process resulting in deer island changing into a hospital for disease-ridden people. In 1882 a prison that operated until 1988 that incorporated new innovative ideas like educating and rehabilitating prisoners. Then in the late 19th century, the first sewage disposal plant was established on Deer Island. Deer Islands wastewater treatment treats water from homes and many businesses in Boston.

See you next week,

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