Sunday, July 24, 2022

Week 3: The Depths of the Crab Albert's

      Hello again! This week was a very hot week, making it a hard week to catch crabs on rods, except at All Access Spectacle where I was on Wednesday. On Wednesday the Spectacle Island groups of kids caught 18 crabs using fishing rods, which felt like one crab per minute. For the rest of the week at Courageous Sailing and Piers Park, all the crabs were caught with the crab trap. On Friday the kids at Piers Park started naming every single crab Albert 3, 4, 5, and so on but you could tell the difference between the species. 

*child at piers park holding a spider crab*

We are mostly finding spider crabs and green crabs at Piers Park. On Thursday this week we found a spider crab that was about a foot wide from the edge of its legs to the other edge. That may seem big but the largest spider crabs can actually span 12 and a half feet across and are the largest species of crab. These large forms of the crab are typically found near Japan and in the pacific ocean at the bottom of the ocean floor, but crabs and other animals can often be traveled by accident through the bottom of boats that land in large city harbors. Another example of this type of migration is in the green crabs we always find.

*two children at courageous sailing holding green crabs*

Green crabs are originally from Europe and live on rocky shores, cobble beaches, sandflats, and tidal marshes, and they are an invasive species. This means that they cause harm to the area and grow rapidly in the population. Green crabs are also very easily identifiable, they got their name since they have five peaks on each side of its head, which can spell out G-R-E-E-N. Overall I am very excited to be back with the kids at Piers Park and see what else we will find in the harbor. Till next time!


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