Sunday, July 24, 2022

The battle of the crabs

This week at the camp harbor view sight we got new campers. For campers at CHV they have two weeks of camp and then new campers come. Even though the campers the past two weeks where amazing this group is totally different. Not only are they more involved in our fishing they want to learn more about the area and the species inside of it. They mainly asked questions about the multiple crabs caught. for example, "how do you know that crab is a green crab?" or "how do I know if I caught something?" resulting in multiple conversations not only including fishing.
Green crabs are considered one of the most invasive marine species. This is because of its lack of predators, hunting abilities, and destroying other sea creatures habitats. Green crabs come in multiple sizes from 6 - 10 centimeters wide and they originate from Europe. Green crabs where introduced to north American in the 1800 most likely from water tanks on ships. These crabs live on rocky shores and can be found near shoreline vegetation. They live off of clams, oysters, mussels, and other small crustaceans. 
  Jonah crabs scientific name is Cancer borealis. Jonah crabs can grow up to 222mm and males are larger than females. These crabs can be found in the northwest Atlantic Ocean and can live on rocky and clay substrate. The Jonah crabs diet consists of mussels, anthropoids, and snails. Jonah crabs are known for stealing lobster trap bait and leaving many fishermen angry as a result.

Overall we know that even if these crabs are both nuisance in their own ways, green crabs have a larger negative effect than Jonah crabs. But both are similar with their diets and habitats. This upcoming week I'm looking forward to getting to know the new campers more. Interacting with them is one of the best parts of fishing with them. 

Until next week-Seoule
sources: green crab info   Jonah crab info

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