Sunday, July 24, 2022

Week 3: Fishing trips/Spectacle Island

During this past week, we showed kids from different youth camps the significance of green crabs and other crabs when they go fishing or see what we caught in the crab trap. Explaining to them how green crabs are invasive species and how they do damage the harbor. We would share with them more information about the problems with green crabs in the Boston harbors. We were also teaching them how to hold the different types of crabs when they caught them and it was new expeirence for them. 

Also when we went to fishing trips the past week we saw the different fishes that some of the kids caught. We would teach them all about the different type of fishes in the sea and what potential fish or crabs they can catch. They would be asking different questions about the different creatures they would catch and ask about how deep the ocean level was so they seem very intrested to learn more about the ocean. It was fun experience for them because most of them never got to fish before so it made them even more eager to learn about the differnent species in the ocean. 

Having kids that are truly willing to learn more makes this job easier on us Having them ask a bunch of questions is really enjoyable to see. To see the smiles on their faces when they see the crabs in the crab trap, wanting to hold them and see their significant features about them. Just seeing them happy and excited to go fishing makes me want to make their experiences even better. Hopefully, we make more youth groups' experiences just as good so they can come back with us in the future.

See ya soon at the harbor 
                                                                               From Simon  


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