Monday, July 18, 2022

Yoooo we back again year 3

 Hey guys, the name is Ruben Hernandez! I am 21 years old and I have the love for the ocean! My favorite things to do is to fish, play basketball and be a gamer! I have been in save the harbor for three years and have been a JPA for two of those years. This year is a new journey for me, I have become a LHE so now I go to meetings and see what it is like in the background of Save The Harbor.

What I am excited for is to see my new group members and help them become more mature and outgoing to people we meet every day. I was taught how to do certain things in this job and it is now my turn to help my leaders and teach the new kids how to be a JPA. I also am excited to be a part of the fishing trips and see what fish will be caught. Seeing a smile on a kids face when they catch a fish is so great!

Even though I am new to this position I am still the same person I am. So except a goofy, caring and outgoing person who literally does anything and everything to help out my friends. I can’t wait to see how this third year of Save the Harbor will be. It have been fun for two years and I will bet all my money(not much) that is will be a great year again.

See you in the harbor waters  Sincerely, 

Ruben Hernandez  

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