Friday, August 19, 2022

All Access, All Summer

     All Access was a blast. All of the people that I worked with were super fun and kept the children lively while having fun amongst ourselves. We were able to catch so many crabs and have fun teaching the kids about the harbor while allowing them to be able to learn first hand about certain places on the harbor such as Georges Island and Spectacle Island. My group was small but we got done what was asked of us which is really the important thing.

    There was always something fun to do. I think my favorite day for this site was the first day that my group went to George's Island. I went on the island tour with David and all of the people were very happy to be there, they were all interacting with us, it was great. A little boy named Anthony had the time of his life when his mom volunteered him to go into the oven. This other kid was pretty scared of the dark tunnel so David hid outside of the tunnel to scare him after he came out. We typically catch a lot of green crabs out at George's and Ruben even caught a menhaden. Menhaden are these small forage fish that are known as the "most important fish of the sea" because they are a primary food source for various sport fish, including bluefish. 

    All Access is an amazing opportunity for anyone whether you are working or one of the groups visiting the islands. People take for granted what an amazing chance this is, to be able to visit these remarkable islands in our harbor for free. Being able to see how excited and happy people get when they see the island is probably one of the best parts of my day. Some kids treat it like whatever but others treat it as if they just struck gold. I understand that these trips are fun but you learn so much just from David's talks and just being present at the islands, absorbing them and not being glued to your phone all day long.

I had fun being on All Access for July and cannot wait to continue working that site throughout August. Sadly, I leave for college before the summer is over so I do not get the entire month but I'm happy with the time I've been able to spend at George's and Spectacle and being able to make all of these people have a fun and educational day. 

Sea ya! -Will

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