Sunday, August 14, 2022

Back at it again, Week 6 baby!

Hey guys, it's Rick. I'm back from my week of absence due to covid. I've missed everyone, including the crabs, and my first week at Piers was great. On the first day, we had a larger group, and I spent most of the time interacting with the kids and getting used to our activities. I told some of the kids that my name was Fishing King and that Harry and I would catch (and release) whales on weekends. It was so funny seeing them get so surprised. Most of them caught on though.

Piers Gang

A day in the life in the Piers group consists of us playing freeze tag with the kids for like 20-30 minutes. Afterward, we go down to the dock and fish with them for a while. During our lunch break, we hang out at Faneuil Hall, North End, or at the Burger King 5 minutes away from Piers. After lunch, we'll either go back to the dock to keep fishing or play with the kids until it's time to go. At the Navy Yard, we usually fish for the whole day and hang out with the kids there. We also hang out in the Constitution Museum during our lunch. Our weeks usually are the same unless we have a field trip happening.

Nap at Constitution Museum after a long day

The kids we work with are usually in 2nd grade. They're all very fast and full of energy (I usually lose in freeze tag all the time). They're also very interested in the crabs. They're ALWAYS asking to pull up the crab trap, and they love playing with the green crabs in the touch tank. Most of them have already been fishing before and some have caught some really cool fish (I had a kid tell me they caught a shark).

Trying to catch a shark

I previously worked at CHV on Long Island, and there are definitely fewer crabs at Piers than there at CHV. We had some great catches in the crab trap, but not so much luck with the lines. I think during the first week one of the kids caught a skate, but we haven't caught any fish afterward. I think it may be because of all the boats in the water. All the crabs seem to be condensed in one area.

Anyway, it's been a really fun week and I'm excited for my last week with the Piers gang. 

Sea you all next week,


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