Sunday, August 7, 2022

First week at Boston Children's Museum

Hi everyone! This week was my first week with the Boston Children's Museum group! It was really fun to experience a new setting to work in and to meet more of my coworkers. This week I learned what tunicates are and how they grow on Blue Mussels. The highlight of the week was Wednesday, when we caught a skate!

My favorite part of working at Save the Harbor is the interactions I get to have with the kids who come to our programs. Through working with them, I've learned that you can inspire someone to try something new, like holding a crab or fishing, by being kind and encouraging. I enjoyed every interaction that I've had with kids at Save the Harbor, but a few specific interactions stand out to me. One of these happened on the boat back from Spectacle Island, while I was working at All Access. I was sitting outside on a bench next to one of the windows of the cabin of the boat, when I heard a knock on the window behind me. I turned around and saw one of the kids that I had taught how to fish that day waving at me! This interaction made me feel proud that the kid had remembered me, and that he had probably enjoyed fishing with me. I felt so happy to be able to work at Save the Harbor and meet great kids through my job.

The second interaction that has stood out to me was when I was working at a Beach Bash at Carson Beach with the All Access crew. That day was really hot, and most people weren't too interested to spend more than a few minutes at our touch tank, expect for one kid. He came over to our table and really enjoyed holding the crabs! He asked us so many questions about them, like what kind of crabs they were and what they eat, and then he starting showing them to the other kids who came to our table! It was clear that he liked what we were doing and that we were having an impact on him. At the end of the day, he said he wanted to work for Save the Harbor when he was old enough! I felt like our group had an impact on him, because if we weren't there today he might not have had as good of a time or found something that he was really interested in. 

Overall, the best part of my job is inspiring kids. I love what I do and I can't wait for next week!

See you on the harbor,


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