Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Mohegan For the WIN!

 Hi everyone it is my third week at CAMP HARBOR VIEW!!! Fun fact, I still can't get the clean-up song out of my head. The Harbor Hustle is really exciting I wanted to run so bad! But unfortunately, staff members cant run but it was pretty exciting to watch them run. Mohegan won the hustle and they’ve been winning most of the hustle’s as of recently. And I tried playing basketball against Simon and Maddison but Simon was too good in the end for us and he won.

 The last week with the Camp Harbor View group before they switched had a lot of fun. While fishing on Thursday, we caught a whole bunch of crabs, even female spider crabs and they were pregnant! A fun fact about the female spider crab is that They can lay up to 1.5 Million eggs per season! that is a whole lot of eggs to produce.  

As this is my last week here at Save the Harbor I’ll miss CHV the most out of anything other group. Alright, thanks for reading and I hope to have more and more fun along the way, ill see you guys next week!


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