Sunday, August 14, 2022

Ten Days Filled with Fun

With a camp session lasting for ten days, each week looks slightly different at Camp Harbor View as they work to get all of the kids through each activity. During the first week of camp, we spend the first-day doing orientation things with the campers, allowing them to get to know one another. The remainder of the week includes two morning fishing groups, with a fishing club in the afternoon. When kids come to fish with us, we get between ten and fifteen campers at a time, and they fish with us for about 45 minutes. Although we don’t always see the same kids more than once, it is nice to get got briefly interact with the majority of the kids who attend CHV. 

The second, and final, week of camp starts off fairly normal, but towards the end, we follow less of our standard schedule. We typically have a day where we participate in ice cream making, spending time with the campers, and hearing their feedback on the summer. Camp ends with the Harbor Hustle,  a day that has campers participate in activities all around the island as they compete to win it all. Witnessing the Harbor Hustle is always so fun, the campers always have so much fun and the staff gets to enjoy the day too. 

Working with campers to help them fish.

In addition to fishing with our groups, we have also begun some tide pooling and beach walks. During these times we bring our groups down toward the water where we search for marine life and identify what we find. The rocky beach provides excellent environments for bivalve species and small crabs. Hermit Crabs and Asian Shore Crabs are most common on the beach while Green Crabs are most common fishing on the pier. Even though we have only gone tide pooling a handful of times, I have greatly enjoyed my time doing so. 

With a few more weeks left at CHV, I am excited to continue to meet new campers while making great memories with the STH staff. I have had the most fun this summer and cannot wait for all that is still to come!

Catch you next time,


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