Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Week 4! Piers park :)

Week 4, and time is flying! 

Hello everyone! Piers Park has been a blast and I can’t wait to continue to be working there luckily. The people we work with are amazing, fun, and super supportive. The kids are so cool, they're fun and always super excited to try and catch crabs and fish. Everyday I come to Piers Park super excited to start the day off playing "Fishy Fishy Cross My Ocean" with them or even "Everybody’s It". The games we play with the kids reminds me of the games I used to play when I went to summer camps. Also, on Thursdays after the meeting the boat back to Piers was awesome, and especially early in the morning seeing the harbor view was just beautiful. I even got to drive the boat for a few! 

The past couple days at Piers Park we have been having kids catch crab after crab after crab. We sadly don’t catch fish at all at Piers but the crabs are the kid’s favorite anyways. Everyday the kids come down to the dock running down the ramp to ask what’s in the touch tank. These kids are super brave; spider crab , green crab or any crab these kids are ready to grab them no matter what. Even I’m scared a little to grab these crabs so these kids make me feel like a scareddy cat.

My last week at Piers they told me that I will be assigned at touch tank to face my fears and now I can pick up any crab that gets put in that touch tank. I’m handing these kids crabs out to the kids so easily which is actually more fun than I thought it would be. The kids love the crabs so muh they will sit at the tank and watch these crabs do nothing for a whole hour if they could. The other half of the group would be sharing fishing rods trying to catch what ever eats their bait. They get so excited when something eats their bait and it gives them so much hope they are about to catch something. Overall, Piers Park has been a blast and I can’t wait to keep working there with an amazing new team. Sea you next time, Che  

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