Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Week 5: interactions

Hey sea creatures, it’s Ché again and back after week 5

This past week has been very fun problably one of my favorite week of working here at Save The Harbor. The kids were catching so many crabs, especially spider crabs. We ended up reeling up some spider crab that was humongous; it barley fit in the touch tank. Everyday these kids are more eager to fish, as soon as the kids come down they say, “can we fish , can we fish , can we fish ''. Personally I am getting so much more comfortable at the touch tank. I honestly feel like I can pick up any crab , small , big , feisty or calm. 

On Friday, we went on a trip to Peddocks Island where I was able to interact with all the JPA’s. This trip was an awesome experience. People were swimming , playing football and just simply talking and introducing each other. I ended up having fun with people I never expected to even talk to this summer which was cool. The boat rides to and back to the island was very nice and beautiful. The view of the harbor is something you just have to appreciate. Driving by all the islands was super satisfying. The only negative of the boat was I was in the front and it was super super hot.

Last but not least, interacting with my SHE and LHE is awesome. They give me advice and help me if I ever need help. They taught me the correct way to hold crabs , helped me interact better with the kids and just generally taught me how to be a better leader. I definitely can say I look up to them and learn so much from them. They are also really fun and funny too. There is never a day they fail to make me laugh. The interactions these past weeks have been amazing. Sea you later, Ché  

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