Monday, August 15, 2022

Week 6: A Normal Day at CHV

This one's about what site we are at and for me, that's Camp Harbor View.  A typical day is pretty easy we get to the boat around 8:15 and we usually don't end up leaving until 9 anyways but there's only one boat that goes there and it leaves when all the campers get there not when we get there so it's better to be early than late. When we get there we set up, eat breakfast, and then we get our first group. We usually get three groups each day two in the morning and one after lunch. When the last group leaves we pack up and get on the boat home, that's basically it.  

My favorite activity to lead is the only one that we do teach kids how to fish, but the touch tank is also fun. You just get to pick up crabs. We usually have kids that are younger than high school age and then the camp counselors who are around the same age I am.  I don't really know of any unique ecological features but there's a rare plant species on the other side of the island that some park rangers were looking at one day I was there. The most common creature we encounter is green crabs but less than at other sites I've worked at.  

I've worked at CHV and at All Access and there both similar they each are on an island. All Access is a little more work because there are just more people. There are pros and cons for both sites and they sort of are the same with minor differences. The one big one is All Access only goes out to the islands Tuesday to Thursday and there are 2 teams on them so if there's something like a fishing trip or anything else that's the site that is going to end up doing it. However, on CHV you get breakfast and lunch for free every day, and it's really good,  whereas All Access you barely get 15 minutes for lunch because you need to set up the rods and everything at the same time. Even though All Access is annoying most of the time I still like it and to me, CHV and all access are the two best sites to work at. And they have a really nice view.  

See you next time


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