Friday, February 3, 2023

A Successful Kickoff to the Splash Season!

Last Tuesday, members of our waterfront communities and local organizations joined Save the Harbor/Save the Bay and the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) at Harpoon Brewery to kickoff the annual Shamrock Splash! Participants at the kickoff created teams and started fundraising with support from fellow community members, all while enjoying Harpoon beverages and pretzels.

Every year, community members, local leaders, and familiar faces splash into the cold water of Boston Harbor to raise tens of thousands of dollars to support Save the Harbor's Better Beaches Program in partnership with the DCR.

Individuals and organizations interested in receiving Better Beaches grants attended the event to meet other prior and prospective grantees and to learn more about the grant from Save the Harbor staff. DCR staff was present to help participants learn about the beaches and the guidelines for beach events, and to answer any questions.

If you or your organization has a great idea for a beach event, apply for a Better Beaches grant here!

To participate in the JetBlue Shamrock Splash, make a team, and raise money for fun beach events in your community, register here!

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