Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Save the Harbor Partners with Local Sponsors to Host Early Beach Season Cleanups

In preparation for the 2023 beach season, Save the Harbor/Save the Bay partnered with corporate sponsors to host beach cleanups in Dorchester, South Boston, Revere and Quincy. Though the metropolitan Boston area has some of the best water quality on its beaches, volunteer support is always needed to maintain these sites, remove the trash that continues to wash up or blow down from the rest of the city, and to keep the ramps and walkways free of sand and accessible for people with physical disabilities. 

We kicked off the beach cleanups in April with our friends over at Boston 25, starting the day at sunrise on Wollaston Beach in Quincy. With help from XS Brokers, WIN Waste Innovations, Friends of Wollaston Beach, and DCR more than 30 volunteers cleared trash from the beach and sand from the access ramps.

Volunteers from Boston 25 clear sand from the access ramps at Wollaston Beach in Quincy

On May 15Coast Cannabis sponsored a team of 18 of their employees and partners from High Profile Dispensary to pick up trash and remove invasive species around the basin at Malibu Beach. 

Employees from Coast Cannabis, High Profile Dispensary, and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay at Malibu Beach

I’m incredibly grateful to our first-rate site staff who keep these beaches in great condition year-round in good weather and bad” said DCR Commissioner Brian Arrigo. “Thanks to Save the Harbor and these corporate and community partners for volunteering and lending a hand to support that ongoing work.”   

National Grid sponsored their own cleanup day, scouring the Malibu Beach for those pernicious bits of trash and plastic that hide in the sand where kids play. The team also focused on clearing away waste and invasive species along the beach and boardwalk. 

National Grid volunteers clear invasive species from the boardwalk at Malibu Beach 

“National Grid is committed to contributing to real and positive change in the communities we serve, which is why we’re so proud to support Save the Harbor and their efforts to make Malibu Beach accessible for everyone,” said Caroline Hon, Head of Gas Network Strategy and Planning for National Grid, New England. “It was a great day joining in with colleagues to protect Boston Harbor."

On May 17, Hines sponsored 20 employees to clear cigarette butts, pieces of plastic, and other debris from Revere Beach alongside DCR and Save the Harbor staff. The group worked hard to remove invasive plants from the beautiful garden beds at each beach pavilion. After the cleanup, Hines offered a tour of their new residential development on Revere Beach that will include 209 housing units above a retail space. 

Hines volunteers scour Revere Beach for any trash that could wash into the water

Volunteers from Charlesbank took to Carson Beach to tidy up ahead of the crowds we've already seen at Carson Beach so early in the beach season. They cleared sand from the sidewalks, removed invasive plants that were growing over the boardwalk, and removed trash from the area around the bath house.

Charlesbank volunteers get excited for the cleanup day on a warm afternoon at Carson Beach

“Malibu, Revere, Carson and Wollaston Beach are important recreational assets to residents for exercise and relaxation,” said Save the Harbor Executive Director Chris Mancini. “They are home to our Beats on the Beach Block Party, the Dorchester Boys and Girls Club’s kids day, free movie nights, beach paddle boarding and yoga, and a number of other amazing, free Better Beaches events all summer long. We’re so grateful to our neighbors from Boston 25, Coast Cannabis, National Grid, Hines, and Charlesbank for contributing their time and effort to taking care of our beaches.” 

Beach cleanups are an important way to increase accessibility to our shared natural resources. The teams worked to remove sand and debris from walkways and ramps, ensuring that people using wheelchairs, older residents, and people with strollers can access the beach. Save the Harbor will continue to host beach clean ups in the shoulder season months of June, September and October. If you have a group interested in stewardship opportunities with Save the Harbor, please reach out to Kristen Barry, Deputy Executive Director, at  

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