Sunday, July 16, 2023

Back For Another Summer!

 Hi everyone!

    My name is MaryKate Hart and I am so excited to be back for yet another summer with Save The Harbor. This year, I am lucky enough to be a Lead Harbor Educator, and I have been having an absolutely fantastic time so far. Most days, I am assigned to All Access, which takes community groups to the Harbor Islands, Spectacle and George's, for trips free of cost. On other days, I work with other locations or at different events, like Camp Harbor View, Fishing Trips with Captain Charlie, or Beach Bashes throughout Boston neighborhoods. 

    Since I worked here last summer, a lot has changed! I completed my Freshman Year at Elon University, where I am studying Environmental Engineering as my major, then architectural engineering and French as my minors. I loved stepping out of my comfort zone and being in a new environment my freshman year, and I was able to take part in so many activities, clubs, and events that piqued my interest. I work as an Environmental Science Lab teacher's assistant, where I am able to help others find a love for the environment and work closely with professors in order to build connections and further my knowledge in this major. This year, I am very excited to work as the Varsity Basketball manager, where I'll be traveling and working with the team on a different level. In my free time at school, I play travel club basketball, and I am looking forward to being the secretary for this upcoming season. 

   My love for environmental activism and the ocean has continued to thrive as I work another year at Save The Harbor. This job has had such a phenomenal impact on my life every summer; I've met some of my closest friends and created my favorite memories while out on the harbor every day. This year, I am very happy to have more of a leadership role than I've had in the past. I get to see more of the "behind the scenes" aspects of scheduling, planning, and communicating for a non-profit like ourselves. My family and I have been involved for as long as I can remember, whether it was events or beach clean-ups in South Boston, I have always been eager to have a bigger role in this organization, and I continue to hope for that in the future. 

    Every day, I continue to learn something new. On Friday, we took a Toxic Tour of the MBTA for our staff day. I was able to learn about the measures taken around Roxbury that help address air quality, and I learned about the relationship between the causes and consequences of air quality and the housing crisis. This tour was exceptionally interesting, and I look forward to learning more in the future! 

Excited to be back and to 'Sea' you on the harbor!

MaryKate (MK) Hart 

Last year, working at the Constitution Beach bash!

My first year at the fishing derby!

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