Sunday, July 16, 2023

Back with Sailing: Year 5 Edition :)

Hey, my fellow Harbor Savers, My name is Fatima Fontes, and this is my 5th year working with Save the Harbor/Save the Bay-- time really flies when you're having fun!! A little about myself, I recently graduated with my Bachelor's in Psychology from Boston University. Last fall, I studied abroad in London, UK, which was undeniably the best 3 months I ever had. I traveled to over 6 European countries, including France, Portugal, Ireland, the Netherlands, and more. Europe is such a beautiful continent with gorgeous countries. I've lived in Boston my whole life and in Charlestown since I was five. In my free time, I enjoy reading non-fiction books by Colleen Hoover and watching Netflix series such as Lincoln Lawyer. Since I graduated, I’ve been spending most of my time looking into Graduate schools I plan to apply to and attend to get my Doctorate in psychology.
Just like every other year, I am soo very excited to be back this summer! This is definitely the kind of job that is hard to let go of once you start. I am very eager to be back at Piers Park this summer! This is my 3rd year at this site, and I have gotten to really love coming back. Seeing so many of the same kids as last year makes my heart so warm. When they run up to me, and their little arm wrap around my legs or stomach, it is the best feeling. As usual, I know we will be mainly catching European Green Crabs and Spider Crabs in the crab trap and not much fish, but luckily that doesn’t change the kid's excitement at all. They love catching crabs on the rods!!
Given how long I’ve been doing this fantastic job, during orientation, there was nothing I didn’t already know haha, but that doesn’t affect how much I love going on fishing trips and to Spectacle Island. Hearing the reactions from the new kids about the 10-year trash dump history is always amusing. It’s always entertaining to tell the new kids how our sewage waste gets cleaned and then sent to Florida for fertilizer to grow oranges, haha! There are not that many returners this summer, which is a little bit of a bummer, but that also means there are so many new bonds to be built! My favorite part about orientation was obviously the Spectacle Island trip. No matter how many times I’ve been, going there never gets old. I can’t wait to learn more about how climate change affects our marine life and the harbor! Cheers to creating more memories and bonds! Sea you later, Fatima Fontes :)

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