Monday, July 31, 2023

First Month done!

    Hello, I just finished my first month at Save the Habor. I worked at the Children's museum for the first month and we caught many things such as green crabs, spider crabs, and a little flounder. Today I wanna talk more about green crabs and spider crabs. Green crabs are invasive species because when they arrived here they would compete and eat native species. Green crabs are typically around 2.5 to 4 inches and a fun fact about them is that you can identify their gender by their abdomen. Normally males have a triangular abdomen while females have a round and bigger one.

    The next animal I encountered was a spider crab and these crabs can get pretty big. On our first week at the Children's Museum, I believe we caught a very big spider crab The Common Spider crab is a species of crab that lives along the sea floor on North America's Atlantic coast. They will often feed on large starfish. A fun fact about spider crabs is that they can actually live in very toxic and polluted waters. They are very cool to find while fishing in Boston Harbor.

1 month down and I am already enjoying every moment I have working for Save the Harbor and working with new people and making new friends. One of my favorite parts of the week would be Atlantic Wharf because we would fish in front of it and then get free food. Then we would go to the Northend which was also nice because they have a nice park near it and a basketball court. I also really enjoyed going around constitution with Jason.

I am super excited to start the second half of Save the Harbor at All Access because I've never been on an all-access site yet. I am also excited to get to know other members of Save the Harbor and spend the rest of Save the Harbor with them. I am also looking forward to our Friday team events because so far I've enjoyed every single one of them. 

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