Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Hello from Boston Harbor!

            (the picture is really bad but it’s a live photo.)

 My name is Isis. I’m a student at the John D. O’bryant high School and also a cheerleader, nail tech, and lash tech. When I get bored i like to try to learn and experience new things. Outside of all that I like to spend my time outdoors and with my friends & family. 

I’m excited to work at Save the Harbor because of all the opportunities and new knowledge I can gain from this experience. I’ve only been here for 2 weeks but so far I feel so close to the people I’ve met and I learned more than I ever have about the harbor and its islands. I also believe this job is going to be a lot of fun and I’ll get to experience things that I wouldn’t get to anywhere else. 

While working, I’ve learned that in the past the Boston Harbor was one of the dirtiest bodies of water in the country. Due to where I work at now, this water is some of the cleanest and we have our own filtering system that benefits many people. A lot of what we do here is connected to other states and bodies of water. 

My favorite part of orientation was the scavenger hunt. That day I had a lot of fun exploring Seaport and getting to know some of my coworkers. I like meeting new people and also going around Boston seeing new things and i’m excited to see and learn more as we continue through the summer.

bye 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 -your favorite worker Isis 

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