Monday, July 31, 2023

Recap of the First Month

Hello reader,

I'm back for a recap of the first month of working at Save the Harbor. I'm gonna describe two species that me and my team caught at Piers Park/Courageous Sailing. First, we were able to catch 2 striped bass. A fun fact is that they can grow up to 40-50 pounds and grow to be 3-6 feet long. They can be found in Delaware river and other freshwater springs. They often feed on zooplankton as well as other small fish and squids. In the 1970s-1980, their population experienced a severe decline in New Jersey due to overfishing. The second species we mainly caught were green crabs. A fun fact is that they are not always green. They can range from green to yellow to orange. They are usually 2.4 in long and 3.9 in wide, and are native to European and North African coasts. They invaded North America in 1817, and eat oysters, mussels, and squid. Various ways of population control over them have been enforced over the years, including bounties on them. 

My experience at Piers Park/Courageous was really nice. I was able to make good friends and enjoyed my time there. The kids were also pretty fun and it was nice hanging out with them. It was also fun hanging out with the Piers Park staff themselves, as they were all nice and cool. My favorite part of this site was playing with the kids, since everyday we got to play a different game. It was always fun to play with them and my coworkers, and they always made it competitive. 

Although I'm said I cannot stay with my old group at Piers, I am still excited to see what we're gonna do at All Access starting next week. I'm looking forward to going into the water and walking on the beach at Spectacle, and revisiting Georges Island. I am also very much looking forward to interacting with people I don't really talk to much in the Save the Harbor team. Above all, I'm looking forward to create new memories and experiences in my time there.

Until next time,


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