Monday, July 31, 2023

Sea U Later


My name is Khaika Lacrete. I currently attend the John D. O'bryant as a sophomore. I live in Roslindale. Some of the activities I participate in are soccer, NJROTC. 

I'm excited to work at Save The Harbor this summer to meet new people from around Boston. 

One thing that I learned about the harbor was about Spectacle Island. Spectacle Island used to be an island where they dumped trash. They dumped the trash there for a long time. Eventually they cleaned up the Island and now it's very clean by burning all the trash, and the trash burned for so long. However, there are still remains from the fire that is called Beach Glass.

One thing I learned about fishing is about the crabs, specifically the green crabs. While fishing one of the things that I caught was a green crab. I learned that they are invasive so they don't belong here. 

My favorite part of orientation was the fishing trip. This was my favorite part because I was able to see my friends. Meet new people and make new friends. I also got to do a new thing that I have never done before. 


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