Sunday, August 6, 2023

Blog #3

 Hello again it's Khaika, 

This month I'm at Piers Park in East Boston. Piers Park is similar to Children's, but it has its differences. At Piers in the morning we spend our time fishing with the first half of kids. Then after our lunch we spend time playing with the kids. I spend my time usually playing soccer or volleyball with them. The kids are very competitive. After lawn games, we have the second half of the kids fishing. My favorite part of the day is hanging out with the kids and seeing how excited they get when we pull up crabs. 

One of the places we went for our staff Friday's was the Franklin Park Zoo. This was one of my favorites because it was like being able to be in touch with my childhood. The last time I went to the zoo was probably in the third grade and now I'm going 10th grade. One of the people I interviewed while there was Kelsey Zhao. She said likes to work at the zoo because of her love for animals. There she works with the animals but she also works in the front of the zoo interacting with the people. My favorite part while at the zoo was seeing the giraffe. 

Another place we went was the New England Aquarium. Similar to the zoo, this was one of my favorites because I haven't been to the aquarium in a very long time. While at the aquarium we heard from the teens that work there, and they told us while there they also get to interact with a lot of the people there. They also get to teach some things about the animals that are in the aquarium. One of my favorite parts was being able to touch the stingrays. They were like a slimy soft feeling. One of the questions I didn't get to ask is how do they get some of the animals that they have, such as the stingrays, penguins, seals, etc. 

The final weeks are coming up and I'm just excited for the rest of the summer. See you guys next week. 

Kids @ Piers using "squid" for bait but tuning it into a crown for our "Queen Crab"

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