Monday, August 7, 2023

new site



    Well, sort of a new site, I worked at CHV last year.  The schedule of the day was about the same as last year; get to the boat, set up, eat breakfast (not as good as last year but still good), get our first group, then the second, eat lunch, fishing club, put everything away, get on the boat, and that's it; one entire day at CHV.  

    The one thing different about working at CHV this year is that we don't work there on Fridays because we now use that day for a staff day where we go do different things like last Friday we went to the aquarium. Going to the aquarium was really fun I could've watched the penguins swim around for hours.  I learned that their teen staff basically does a lot of things whether it's checking on what marine species are in the harbor or doing everything else.  This was interesting to me because I've only seen a couple of people from the aquarium on our all access trips to spectacle island, and I never knew what they were doing.  Now I know they were pulling up traps to see what was in the water. 

    Another Friday that I enjoyed is when we went to Peirs Park because it was a really nice day and we all just got to relax on a boat.  Also when we went kayaking my boat didn't flip and I never fell in, unlike a few people.  we also went sailing and the boat I was on had someone who works for Peirs Park and also works at CHV doing the sailing. 

    Next week Im excited to just have a nice day working on an island.

Goodbye for now and see you on the water!

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