Thursday, July 11, 2024

AJ on the Harbor

 Hi y'all! My name is AJ, this is my first year with Save the Harbor as a Senior Harbor Educator. I just moved to the Hyde Park area for the summer but will be returning to Ohio to finish my last year at Oberlin College. I study Environmental Science and Biology, and am especially interested in community ecology and wildlife biology. In my free time I enjoy tide-pooling, camping, back-packing, and working out. 

I was looking for marine science conservation jobs in Boston this Spring and came upon the SHSB website. I was thrilled to see that there was a position that suited both my skills and interests and would also expand my horizons in aspects such as working with many kids of all different ages as well as leadership, and the most challenging one yet -- the Silver Line. I am so excited to be a part of the SHSB team as well as fostering connections with the staff at my site. So far we are enjoying learning from each other and growing together (and playing several rounds of Uno per day). In the second week at our site we led a successful lesson for ~60 kids on ocean food chains! Planning the lesson and designing the activity throughout the week with my team was challenging but rewarding. The lesson was a hit for both the kids and camp instructors; kids were engaged and learning, and the instructors got a break! I am looking forward to the following weeks and the fun we'll get up to :).

There was a lot of suspense building up to orientation week, and I have to say it exceeded expectations, in addition to changing my expectations for the rest of the summer. We played quite a few introductory games that allowed for the first-time and returning staff to get to know one another. The fishing trip was helpful in demonstrating the kind of fishing we would be doing, and also a nice refresher for fishing 101. Since I had never been to Spectacle Island, seeing it was really beneficial for me in understanding the history of the island and greater Boston. David was especially informative. The 3 days of orientation gave me the opportunity to make some initial acquaintances that I hope to see at events throughout the summer even though they aren't in my group. 

See you next time!
Splish splash, 

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