Wednesday, July 31, 2024
First half recap
My name is jah and i just finished my first half of summer at chv.i mad camper freinds on thr way such as manny,dylan,gabriel and jayden.the animals We caught were green crab (we call them green crab due to their shells spelling green) (the crab are also one of the most invasive animals aggressively hunts and eats its prey, destroys seagrass, and outcompetes local species for food and,species%20for%20food%20and%20habitat we caught spider crab (they are big crabs who are covered in mud and fungus) CHV was fun i was there 2nd half of last years summer so returning was nothing bad i missed Jr and madison it was very different without them.We almost caught a bass i think it was a big fish we couldnt get it up but we saw the face of the fish. my favorite day was the hustle we did nothing but chill and i helped mohegan get 3rd place in the hustle.Getting to work with people i worked with last year was fun and seeing some LIT's i became friends with and seeing them again was fun. i went on a fishing trip with fishing club and caught fish.I think ill be going back to chv for the session 2 hustle and maybe session 3 ,the hustle is so fun because i get to run and yell.During lunch id play basketball with simon petter maddox and liam.
Now im at all access.Theres no shade sadly.Butttttt i can play kickball and go on walks thats pretty valid and fun i will enjoy it today (wendsday july 31st) it poureddddd on us i was kinda mad but it happens.Meghan caught a fish the fish day that was pretty cool.aquarium field trip is about to be fun last year was fun so i expect even more this year since i got closer with staff.I went to peirs and baddle boarded that was also fun i can move fast on the board.But thats the recap of the first half,See you when the 2nd half ends.
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