Monday, August 19, 2024

Blog 3

The field trips we have had this summer can’t really beat any other summer I’ve been apart of Save the Harbor. Going to the New England revolution practice, the MIT workshop and the aquarium are just some of the trips we’ve done that I really liked the most. 

The Gillette trip was probably my favorite out of all the trips mainly because it was cool to get behind the scenes of a pro soccer team and see how every aspect matters when running one. The way they work is very interesting because they have so many people on each aspect like marketing or even advertising online or on billboards. I did ask the head of marketing if I could get a one day contract but he said it wasn’t up to him to decide. 

The MIT workshop was pretty fun as well. I really liked the workshop where we created robots to get the most points in order to win where I collected most of the points for my team. I learned about working there not only includes the facility in MIT but it includes a lot of facilities north of Boston around New Hampshire and Maine. One cool interaction I had was when a duck hopped onto the dock when we were doing a water quality test. If I could ask one question i would ask if they have similar facilities across the world and not only in the U.S

And lastly the Aquarium. I’ve loved going to the aquarium ever since I was little so it has to be on my list. Working at the aquarium is similar to what we do but they work hands on with the animals in the enclosures like the penguins and hundreds of fish in the other tanks. They plan to educate the public about what they do and also to educate them about the ocean life around us and around the world. One funny interaction was me thinking I could take a penguin home in my backpack. If I could ask a question it would probably be if I can take a penguin home. 

What I’m excited for next week is the fishing trips coming up along with the possibility of seeing the whale in the harbor again. 

See you on the Harbor!!!

Erik J

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