Monday, August 19, 2024

Blog #4

Blog #4

       My favorite moment at Save the Harbor this year has to be working at the Beach bash with all the save the harbor staff. I liked this time in particular because I was able to enjoy spending time with my friends while on the beach. There was amazing food and all around the entire event was chill and I had a great time. 

       My favorite site this year has to be All Access because I love being able to visit the islands on a regular basis. My favorite part of all access has to be the boat ride there and back, especially because there has been a whale in the harbor and I was able to catch a glimpse of it. 

       Over the summer I have learned many things about George’s island that I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t been working here. I learned about the usage of the prison during the civil war and how confederate soldiers were kept there.

      I have also learned a lot about myself while working here. I’ve improved social skills and general communication skills by working with my coworkers and the kids I interact with. The skills I have improved on at Save the Harbor will have a long lasting impact on my life. Communication skills are essential when working and I know my skills will only improve over time.

       If I’m being honest, I will miss my friends after the work ends. I know I’ll still see them and be able to communicate with them, but it will not be the same as being able to see them everyday at work.

       My plans for the fall include college visits, school work, and potential getting a job for the school year. Other than that, that’s all. 

Here are three of my favorite photos with captions.

(This is a picture of my friends on a raft. They were having fun)

(This is a picture I took during one of the staff meetings, we all look so serious and I find it kinda funny)

 ( I got my hair braided while on the boat coming back from George’s island)



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