Monday, July 12, 2010

Fishing Triumph at Harbor View!

On thursday we spent a lot of time fishing on the pier at Camp Harbor View. We brought along sea worms to use as bait and they worked really well. We caught THREE fish in one afternoon! The kids had so much fun getting to touch and even pick up the fish, which were two skates and a small fish known as a cunner. A skate is a type of ray that is very common and found swimming along the bottom of the harbor. The cunner is a type of small fish that is usually found near rocky areas and pilings. It was great to see some of the campers holding a fish for the first time! They even enjoyed identifying the cunner in the field guide. Sea worms have clearly been the bait of choice for catching fish so far. So hopefully we will have continued success with fishing this summer!

Yours truly,
Tom Regan

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