Hi everyone!
Sorry my second post is a little late-my computer was acting up this weekend. I finished up my first week at Save the Harbor with the Boston Harbor Explorers at Piers Park and Courageous Sailing in Charlestown.
Despite the heat and humidity, Piers Park was a blast. One of the first things we did in the morning was pull up the lobster trap, and we found one! I'd never held a lobster before, but Michelle made sure that I and all the kids knew the correct way to handle one so that we didn't get pinched. The rest of the morning was spent fishing-no luck yet, but I'm sure we just need a little more practice before we all become expert anglers.
After a quick lunch at Courageous in Charlestown, we checked the lobster traps and found another lobster (my second of the day!). After that, we decided to try fishing from the boats. Alex and I started off with the rods, and half-way through the afternoon gave them to Michelle and LaToya's boat to use. This was my favorite part of the day; I got to sit back, relax, and let the sailors do all the work :) Thanks to Naomi, Brad, and Elizabeth for getting me safely back to the dock!

This week will be my first with All Access-I can't wait to see what happens there!
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