Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Crabs and More Crabs!

Today on All Access we visited Warren Fort on the historical George's Island. The kids today seemed more energetic then usual and went right through the dark tunnel of the lady in black with ease. I was assigned to look after a group of 5 and 6 year olds, who were almost fearless when it came to the dark, wet passages of the fort. Before we got to the fort I organized a race between my kids. They ran with enthusiasm, and were still smiling even if they placed towards the end. Once at the entrance to the tunnel, the kids ran inside, but were restrained by their group councilors. After the bigger groups emptied from the tunnel, it was our turn. I was surprised when most of our kids went through the tunnel with no hesitation. After the tunnel, we took a stroll around the top of the fort, and back to the beach. Once at the beach kids began skipping stones in the water, but soon joined Conor Newman and I in a search for Asian Shore Crabs. ONce we had over turned dozens of rocks the kids had found hundreds, but some refused to hold the as they quivered in their hands. Once the kids got bored of the miniture crabs we went home, with a smile on every face!

-Tim Grogan


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