Monday, July 18, 2011

Aquapalooza 2011!

This Saturday I had the opportunity to go out with Matt, our Vice President, a couple of friends and Save the Harbor/Save the Bay's staffers to Aquapalooza. The event was as fun as its name. At first, as the youngest people on the boat, we were a little hesitant. We had to be on this boat till 6pm - what if it was a disaster? But, quickly we realized what a blast Aquapalooza is. Things started looking up as we docked in Peddock's Island surrounded by other boats and as the band started playing. We couldn't have even anticipated how much fun we would have. First off, it was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

It was really hott in that boat with all the dancing and food so we desperately wanted to get into the Harbor. But, we couldn't go swimming without a boat to pick us up. So - we wrote on a paper plate "pick us up" and finally after a long wait we finally got a bite! A group of young boys and girls picked us up and took us to a fellow staffer's boat, Carolyn! We hung out with her for a little before we ventured into the Harbor.

Initially it was freezing and we instantly regretted our decision to jump out into the water.....but quickly as we realized how far we were from our boat, we started swimming. We were tired. We hung on to booeys, we hung on to people's boats, we hung on too each other until we finally made it back to the boat. Of course, there wasn't an easy way to get on and the people working on the boat had to lift us from the water. Banged up and soaking wet, we were finally back on the boat.

Exhausted but happy, we waved at everyone as the boat heading back into Boston As the boat headed back to Boston we waved at the boats and listened to the band play Sweet Carolina, Save a Horse, and the like. We got an amazing view of Boston.

Till next time!

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