Sunday, July 17, 2011

Eels! Eels!

This week Community Boating christened two new eel traps. We sailed out to the traps to find 12 eels by the causeway and another 14 by a reedy spot on the southern shore. We brought a bucket of them to the dock and they proved to be quite the spectacle. 20 or so kids came running to see them when an announcement was made over the loud speaker.
In addition to the eels the traps have also caught some sunfish and small mouth bass that provided an up close view of what lives in the river.
This upcoming week is bound to yield more eels. In addition it is Compost week! We will start composting food scraps from lunches and paper towels from the bathrooms. The compost will also provide a great source of worms for fishing! Check back soon for more!

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