Monday, July 30, 2012

Ahoy Mate!- Camp Harbor View

This week has definitely started off on the right foot. Not that going on Camp Harbor View's Sling Shot (which totally put my body through a quick but exciting adrenaline rush) was not fun enough...BUTTTT, today my team and I got the chance to take the campers, at Camp Harbor View, on a tour around THEIR harbor! Neat right?
Giving the campers a history lesson on the Boston Harbor was not the most fulfilling experience during the tour, but actually bringing kids who were scared about their first time stepping foot on a boat to a place they had never been to, and assuring them that the beautiful harbor we were on belongs to them was!

The smiles on the campers faces
The appreciation manifested in their eyes
The, "Thank you...I can't wait to come back"
All reassured me that the work we do here at Save the Harbor Save the Bay does not go unappreciated.

We are truly fortunate.


Karrisha M. Gillespie

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