Monday, July 30, 2012

The amazing spider crab!!!

Hello everybody! Today at McDonough was a gorgeous day for the kids to participate in a series of fun activities such as: crabbing, fishing, swimming etc... And so my friend Jake insisted that we go check the lobster trap while the others were on the dock having a blast. For the first time, Jake got to go on the motor boat to the lobster traps along with a few people from Save the Harbor/ Save the Bay staff. He was so excited, he even got a chance to help us pull the lobster trap up. As our usual catch we had some lobsters. (4 to be exact) and as we were putting the trap into the water Jake noticed an unusual looking creature in the bottom of the trap "it's an octopus, it's a jelly fish, IIIT'S THE AMAZING SPIDER CRAB!!!" Jake decided that he wanted to go back with it and amaze his buddy's back at the dock. Jake got to throw the crab back in the water and that's how we ended our day.

Keep the energy flowing guy!!!

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