Monday, July 30, 2012

An Interview with Two Terrific Kids!

At Community Boating, whenever a storm rolls in, all participants and staff must take cover inside the boathouse. Yesterday, the rain came rolling in fairly quickly, and I decided to take the down-time to interview two of the coolest kids in our program at C.B.I. Carlos and Sebastian have known each other basically their whole lives, and they also happen to live across the street from one another. Despite all of this interaction, the two of them are fantastic friends, and readily agreed to take part in this interview!

Sebastian and Carlos!

Me: How old are you, and where are you from?
Carlos: 10, Malden
Sebastian: 11, Malden

Me: How long have you been with Community Boating?
C: One month
S: 1.5 years

Me: What's your favorite thing to do here?
C: Kayak and fish!
S: Sailing with friends

Me: Have you ever participated in the environmental class before this summer?
C: No
S: Yes

Me: What do you like about it?
C: I get to meet new people
S: Catching and touching eels!

Me: What do you think of the special days here at Community Boating, such as Pink Day (to raise breast cancer awareness), and Pirate Day (dress like a pirate!)?
C: I like them because we get to dress up in costumes!
S: Pink Day is a good cause, and Pirate Day is a day to have fun!

Me: What is the coolest thing that has happened this year?
Both: Kayaking under the walkway connecting to the dock!!!!!

Me: What do you want to learn about, or do?
C: I want to learn what makes boats float with so much weight on them. Also, I'd like to have a party on a yacht!
S: I want to learn how to windsurf!

Me: Any parting thoughts?
C: Having this opportunity [to participate in Community Boating programs] to pay only $1 is awesome!!
S: I like spending time hanging out with friends and going boating!

View of the Charles River from the Esplanade

Having this opportunity to spend half of my day everyday at Community Boating has been a blast. The kids are amazing there, and we never run out of things to do! Stay tuned for more updates from the river...

-Ashley Wakefield, Senior Harbor Educator at Boston Children's Museum and Community Boating

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