Monday, July 30, 2012

Learning through exploration!

The Harbor Explorer program really jumps into the most beautiful parts of our city and grabs a hold of our kiddo's hands. The kids get to see the ocean in their backyard as a resource for them, whether they tell their little brothers and sisters everything they learned about crabs that day, or ask their parents to go down to the water.
A very special part of the Harbor Explorers program is what is going on at Courageous Sailing this summer. The Summer Learning Project, which features  rising fourth grade children from Boston Public Schools, have been taking advantage of all that can be learned about the ocean. The children are in a hybrid program that focuses on making sure there is no "summer slide", but education is continuing throughout the summer.
Life cycle of our favorite sea creatures!
 The Summer Learning project applies the concept of inquiry based learning, which fits in perfectly with the goals of Save the Harbor Save the Bay. 
Sara from Courageous is spearheading this program specifically at the Charlestown Sailing, and the Save the Harbor Save the Bay staff is on hand to help!
Anthony helping with the life cycle!

 Sara teaches the lesson of the day, as we stand by to help, and then we all go down to the dock for some hands on learning!
It's a wonderful program that makes sure that our kids from Boston not only get to explore the ocean, but they get that extra push over the summer break.

Sara instructing the children!
:) Ali Hurney 

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