Monday, July 30, 2012

Delightful Delilah

My name is Delilah Burgos. I currently attend Brighton High school during the school year.This fall I will be a junior. I can not wait until I graduate. I look forward to going to college and when I do, my plans and goals are to become an anesthesiologist. Aside from that my summer goals were to get a job, which I have accomplished. My first day at Save The Harbor Save The Bay was better than I could have imagined. I met many people and got to go on a boat which I haven't done since I was ten, so that was great. Not only did I ride a boat but I walked along the beach and collected different colored rocks, old glass, and saw marbles. It was interesting like a mini museum. But what I can honestly say is I loved my second day here. I went fishing with the kids and set up crab traps, eel traps, and lobster traps. while sailing a boat. The kids had so much fun and we interacted in everything. Another goal of mine was to have kids not to be afraid to talk to me if they are shy or just need help. My second day that was accomplished. Kids were asking for help, wanting me to fish with them, showing me things in the lake etc. I wanted this job because I really do enjoy kids and seeing them have a fun summer and what is a better way than Save The Harbor. A program that makes these fun things happen for children in many ways while learning too. Besides all this fun I am very excited and thankful to work here and be apart of the Harbor.

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