Monday, July 30, 2012

Bravery at the Museum!

What another great week at Bostons Children's Museum and Community Boating. This week kids were more brave with touching and holding the crabs. We had one kid who came for the whole week. He wouldn't hold the crab but he was very happy and excited to touch and learn about it. Also fishing at community boating was a hit. Two of the kids went fishing for their first time and one caught a sunfish. Back at the Museum not many kids caught fish but they did pull up the crab trap and see how the crabs were being caught right there. Also, while trying to fish for a fish or something greater at the museum, the fishing rod flew into the water with a tough tug as if a sea monster was in there. From then on the museum will always be a mystery fishing spot. As for next week I cant wait to see what's next!

Fantastic Fishing, Delilah Burgos 

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